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Fella's do you need to torque it out?
Wheelnutz Garage located in Meadowbrook Logan
* Walk in, no appointment needed
* Free, no referral required
* Access to Mental health Support

If you're seriously injured or at risk of harming yourself right now, Call 000 (Triple zero) for an ambulance.
LIFELINE 13 11 14 Available 24hrs/ 7 days a week
13 YARN 13 92 76 Available 24hr / 7 days for First Nations People
Q Life 1800 184 527 LGBTIQA+
Need to talk to someone now?
Don't know where to start, to speak with someone professionally about your Mental Health?
Click here for our simple guide.
Fella's Guide to
Mental Health Care Plans
This Service Manual provides you some simple information about Mental health and Suicide. It doesn't need to be complicated.
Your Mental Health Service Manual

Torque It Out – Funded by Brisbane South Primary Health Network.
An Australia Government Initiative.
For Immediate support call
Lifeline on 13 11 14
Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36
Headspace on 1800 650 890
QLife on 1800 184 527

Wheelnutz Garage acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live. Our staff recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community and their continuing connection to land and water, and pay respect to their elders past, present and emerging.

Our organisation is a place where human rights are respected and people of diverse genders and sexual orientation are welcomed and supported.
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